①”~させておく” indicates that someone has been instructed to keep performing some action.
②It is used to get someone to prepare something.
Vさせるて + おく
- 子どもが遊びたいと言ったので、少しの間、好きなだけ遊ばせておいた。
My child wanted to play, so I let them play as much as they wanted for a while.
- 怒っている彼を落ち着かせるために、少し一人にさせておいた。
I left him alone for a while to help him calm down.
- 暑い日に車の中で子どもを待たせておくのは危険だ。
It is dangerous to leave a child waiting in the car on a hot day.
- ロボットは休憩を取る必要がないので、ずっと働かせておくことができる。
Robots don’t need to take breaks, so they can be made to work continuously.
- 子どもに静かにいてもらいたいので、そのままスマホを見させておく。
I want my child to stay quiet, so I let them keep watching their smartphone.
- 新人にプレゼンの練習をさせておいたから、本番も大丈夫だと思う。
I had the new employee practice their presentation, so I think they’ll be fine for the actual event.
- 子どもが小さいうちにいろいろな経験をさせておく。
I let my child have various experiences while they are still young.
- 手が空いている部下に、明日の会議の資料をコピーさせておく。
I have an available subordinate make copies of the materials for tomorrow’s meeting.
- 来週のイベントに向けて、必要な機材の準備を担当者にさせておいた。
I had the person in charge prepare the necessary equipment for next week’s event.
- 2次会用の会場を秘書に確保させておく。
I have my secretary secure the venue for the afterparty.